Check out important information, risks and treatment resources to prescription drug misuse and abuse.
Did You Know?
One in four teens (24 percent) reports having misused or abused a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime (up from 18 percent in 2008 to 24 percent in 2012), which translates to about 5 million teens. That is a 33 percent increase over a five-year period. Sources: (Concerning Trends in Teen Prescription Drug Abuse According to the New PATS Data (2008-2012))
Get the FAQs
What is prescription drug misuse and abuse?
According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) DrugFacts, prescription drug misuse and abuse is when someone takes medication inappropriately (for example, without a prescription).
What are the risks?
It is common knowledge that prescription drugs are not safer than other types of drug.
They have a range short- and long-term health effects for each type with side effects similar to cocaine, such as paranoia, dangerously high body temperatures, and an irregular heartbeat. Opioids affect the same brain parts as heroin does - this can cause nausea or drowsiness; constipation slows breathing down until you're barely conscious enough to move your limbs let alone answer questions coherently on whether what's being said makes sense.
Depressants may result in slurred speech but more often they manifest themselves through shallow breaths which causes fatigue along with disorientation causing lack of coordination ̶ all signs someone needs help ASAP!
What can you do as a parent or caregiver?
- Speak to your teen about the dangers of prescription medicines and let them know it is not safe to share prescribed medications with others
- Keep prescription medicines in a locked place.
- Properly dispose of any unused prescription medicines.
- Be open with your children
Drug & Alcohol Treatment
in and around Sunnyside, Washington
If you or someone you know is in need of treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse, please contact one of the following organizations.
Sundown M Ranch
2280 WA-821
Yakima, WA 98901
Central Washington Comprehensive MH Sunnyside Center
1319 Saul Road
Sunnyside, WA 98944
Merit Resource Services
702 Franklin Ave
Sunnyside, WA 98944